Matthew Sadofsky
Director of Growth Marketing

This Q&A was conducted when Matthew was a Director of Growth Marketing at Tilting Point. Currently, Matthew is a VP of Growth, Consumer Marketing, & eCommerce at L Catterton.
Matthew was first featured as a Mobile Hero while working as the Digital Marketing Manager at AYI, a mobile dating app. Since then, Matt moved into the world of gaming apps, where he ran user acquisition for Tilting Point. We caught up with Matt to see what he’s up to and what it’s like going from marketing dating apps to marketing mobile games.
Tell us about your journey since you were originally featured as a Mobile Hero? What have you been up to?
After leaving the dating app space I knew I wanted to move into mobile gaming or sports tech. I was deciding between Tilting Point and a mobile app for youth sports. I was blown away by the talent at Tilting Point and saw a chance to make an immediate impact. After being hired as the only person on TP’s UA team 1.5 years ago, I’ve been able to grow to the point where I am now managing a 5-person growth marketing team, see our portfolio of apps grow from 5 to 15, and watch our monthly UA spend increase 5-fold.
Tell us about the apps you are currently marketing.
I currently oversee a portfolio of 15 apps–14 games and 1 financial app. Tilting Point’s focus is primarily games, but we are growing our services for non-gaming as well.
How has your marketing approach changed given the apps you are currently marketing?
We are more and more focused on building custom advertising tech. We’ve built out a lot of machine learning-based tools in-house over the last year.
What are 2 or 3 things you learned since you were last featured as a Mobile Hero?
- UA is becoming more of a data science field and less of a marketing one
- People’s attention spans are still shrinking – 15s videos are now 7s
- Influencer marketing doesn’t work as a ROAS play, but can be great for branding
In your opinion, what are some of the more noteworthy trends in the app marketing space these past couple years?
Automation. Soon enough, we will have less UA managers overseeing larger budgets as we let machines make the early decisions for us.
How has your view changed on what it takes to succeed in mobile marketing since you first entered the industry?
You need to have a unique blend of top notch data analysis skills and a great eye for ad creative. It’s hard to find people who are good at both.
Tell us a bit about your mobile marketing team. How are you organized? What are some of your daily / weekly practices that help ensure your success?
As a company with a large volume of games and a ton of external stakeholders, each member of the UA team is responsible for 3-6 game’s UA strategy. This allows them to maintain the relationships with the developers of the games they work on and reduces the number of people in each meeting. We stay focused by having highly accurate daily reporting shared to the entire team and have weekly team meetings to go over high level strategy.
The mobile marketing space moves fast. How do you stay ahead of the curve?
I attend Mobile Growth Summit, Mobile Apps Unlocked (MAU), Affiliate Summit, and App Growth Summit. I read, adweek, digital marketer, and stay connected with the Mobile Heroes community.
What do you see as the next big thing in mobile app marketing?
Next big thing in app marketing? Machine learning and media buys managed by artificial intelligence in the programmatic RTB space.