Mobile Love Infographic: Dating App Trends and Insights
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. And with love in the air, for some of us at least, Liftoff is back with our annual analysis of dating app trends and insights. Check out our Mobile Love Infographic to see how Americans are leading the rest of the world in dating app engagement.
With birds chirping and bees buzzing, we got busy by examining nearly 3 billion dating app ad impressions across 1+ million app installs and 3.4 million post-install events over the entire year of 2016.
While many assume mobile users are searching for last-minute dates in the weeks leading up to the big V-day, our data suggests otherwise. January and February are not the efficient months for acquiring new dating app subscribers. As it turns out, dating app usage heats in the summer months, with install-to-subscription rates peaking at 3.1% in July, compared to 1.2% in February.
Some additional highlights from our research include:
- North America has a dating app subscription rate 2.6x APAC and 7.2x EMEA
- Women register in dating apps a whole lot more than men do – 100% more on Android and 107% more on iPhone
- Dating app CPIs hit a high in June ($4.35) and a low in September ($2.82) with an annual average of $3.72
Want to learn more about marketing your apps with Liftoff? We’re here to help.